Prayer Times in West Byfleet Ward

*Calculation method used : Islamic Society of North America (Fajr 15°, Isha 15°)

Please, find below prayer times for the West Byfleet Ward city. We are using the Islamic Society of North America method for namaz times.

Date Fajr Chorouq Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha'a
October 5, 2024 05:19 07:10 12:50 15:52 18:30 20:14 22:43 02:56

Date Fajr Chorouq Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha'a
Tuesday 1 October 05:12 07:03 12:52 15:59 18:39 20:23 22:47 02:55
Wednesday 2 October 05:14 07:05 12:51 15:57 18:37 20:21 22:46 02:55
Thursday 3 October 05:15 07:07 12:51 15:55 18:34 20:19 22:45 02:56
Friday 4 October 05:17 07:08 12:51 15:54 18:32 20:16 22:44 02:56
Saturday 5 October 05:19 07:10 12:50 15:52 18:30 20:14 22:43 02:56
Sunday 6 October 05:21 07:11 12:50 15:50 18:28 20:12 22:42 02:57
Monday 7 October 05:22 07:13 12:50 15:49 18:25 20:10 22:41 02:57
Tuesday 8 October 05:24 07:15 12:49 15:47 18:23 20:07 22:40 02:58
Wednesday 9 October 05:26 07:16 12:49 15:45 18:21 20:05 22:39 02:58
Thursday 10 October 05:27 07:18 12:49 15:44 18:19 20:03 22:39 02:58
Friday 11 October 05:29 07:20 12:49 15:42 18:17 20:01 22:38 02:59
Saturday 12 October 05:31 07:21 12:48 15:40 18:14 19:59 22:37 02:59
Sunday 13 October 05:32 07:23 12:48 15:39 18:12 19:56 22:36 02:59
Monday 14 October 05:34 07:25 12:48 15:37 18:10 19:54 22:35 03:00
Tuesday 15 October 05:36 07:26 12:48 15:35 18:08 19:52 22:34 03:00
Wednesday 16 October 05:37 07:28 12:47 15:34 18:06 19:50 22:33 03:01
Thursday 17 October 05:39 07:30 12:47 15:32 18:04 19:48 22:32 03:01
Friday 18 October 05:41 07:31 12:47 15:30 18:02 19:46 22:32 03:02
Saturday 19 October 05:42 07:33 12:47 15:29 18:00 19:44 22:31 03:02
Sunday 20 October 05:44 07:35 12:47 15:27 17:58 19:42 22:30 03:02
Monday 21 October 05:45 07:37 12:47 15:26 17:56 19:40 22:29 03:03
Tuesday 22 October 05:47 07:38 12:46 15:24 17:54 19:38 22:29 03:03
Wednesday 23 October 05:49 07:40 12:46 15:23 17:52 19:37 22:28 03:04
Thursday 24 October 05:50 07:42 12:46 15:21 17:50 19:35 22:27 03:04
Friday 25 October 05:52 07:44 12:46 15:20 17:48 19:33 22:26 03:05
Saturday 26 October 05:53 07:45 12:46 15:18 17:46 19:31 22:26 03:05
Sunday 27 October 04:55 06:47 11:46 14:16 16:44 18:29 21:25 02:06
Monday 28 October 04:57 06:49 11:46 14:15 16:42 18:28 21:24 02:06
Tuesday 29 October 04:58 06:51 11:46 14:14 16:40 18:26 21:24 02:07
Wednesday 30 October 05:00 06:52 11:46 14:12 16:38 18:24 21:23 02:08
Thursday 31 October 05:01 06:54 11:46 14:11 16:36 18:23 21:22 02:08

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